Green Initiatives at the Port of Barcelona

Sustainability in Action: Green Initiatives at the Port of Barcelona At Amarres bcn, we are dedicated to the mooring and unmooring of vessels with a unique perspective: sustainability is not only an option, but an urgent necessity. The Port of Barcelona, a melting pot of maritime activity, is at the forefront of this ecological transformation.…

Importancia de la Seguridad Portuaria

Importance of Port Security

Port security is a fundamental aspect in the operation of any maritime terminal. Ensuring the integrity of port facilities, as well as the protection of human life and the environment, are crucial responsibilities in this environment.

El Puerto de Barcelona

The Port of Barcelona: Witness and Protagonist of History

The history of Barcelona is intrinsically linked to its port. Before the Romans founded Barcino, the Iberian Layetans had already inhabited Montjuïc. Archaeological discoveries suggest an early port south of Montjuïc, sheltering ships from storms.

Cómo se realiza el transporte del gas natural

How natural gas is transported

Have you ever wondered how natural gas gets from the fields to our homes? You will be surprised to learn the whole process! In this article, we will discover how natural gas is transported and what the process is like at sea and on land. Read on to find out! Onshore natural gas transportation: gas…